Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sonograms to Date

Five weeks: My doctor likened this to a diamond ring--the diamond (e.g. the babe) being the most important part. It's floating between those two x's.

Seven weeks: One can see a head and arms. Note the similarity to my profile pic (which I painted last summer). Creepy, nay?

Ten weeks: This time the babe was waving an arm (that spot floating in the middle) as if to say, "Hi Mom!" I was impressed. The head is on the left, and the legs are on the right.

Twelve weeks: This sonogram was the first we had done at the hospital, when we went in for a nuchal translucency scan. Obviously, their machine is superior to the one at my doctor's office. The purpose of this ultrasound was to screen for Down Syndrome, which was largely ruled out. Note the hands floating in front of the face. It was at this appointment that our ultrasound doctor first suggested that the baby is a girl. However, since they're occasionally wrong when they guess that early, we waited until we heard it a few times before we truly believed it.

Twenty weeks: Grandma Karen came along for this one. We were at the hospital for a couple hours altogether. Traditionally, the 20 week scan is the major ultrasound, wherein they closely examine all the internal organs. The diagnosis of 'girl' was confirmed, and we were given several 3-D sonograms (which appear below). Grandma and I also got to watch a 3-D video of sorts. It was a little choppy, but the kid was clearly practicing her suckling.

She looks just like her dad, doesn't she? Grandma Karen is surprised by her chubby arms.

This is a screenshot taken with my phone just to show what she looked like in color. Andrew thinks she's got "the Mullarkey jaw" (e.g. a serious underbite). With her parentage, braces are pretty much a given anyhow... In any case, she's adorable and we love her (snaggleteeth and all).

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