This past weekend A. and I took advantage of a truly rare event: a long weekend between A.'s rotations. So, after he finished his exam on Friday, we piled into a rental car and drove up to New Hampshire. A.'s family has had the great good fortune of inheriting the 1830s farmhouse pictured here, and we try to spend several weeks here every year (albeit with varying success). Though the mosquitoes and black flies were numerous, it was too chilly/rainy to take our kayak out on the nearby lake, and our stay was far too short, we were very very happy to be there.
Emdrew's first two days up here were spent listening to the hummingbirds at the feeder by the porch, sloshing along as we enjoyed a short hike, napping, and digesting hot cocoa alongside a warm fire. She also had the privilege of accompanying us as we shopped for footie pajamas and listening as we discussed our plans to plant a tree in her honor at length. We tried to get her to weigh in on tree varieties and locations by way of the old "kick once for yes, twice for no" method, but she seems to be withholding judgement until she can see for herself.

I'm nearly 31 weeks (out of 40) along here; so again, three weeks have passed since the last bump photo. Note how the babe is already gravitating towards that tire swing.